- Inputs
"category_id": "integer: category id",
"description": "string max length 128 characters: a description for wall: optional",
"exclude_categories": "list of integers: list of walls categories that you don't want showing them advertising : optional",
"features": "list of string: allowed:[40,41,30,31,20,21,10,11], 20 and 21 for wall profile, 40 and 41 for group, 10 and 11 for blog, 30 and 31 for store",
"gage": "positive integer: it parameter indicate how much advertising shown per day on my wall: optional",
"lat": "float numeric, has dependency to long: optional",
"long": "float numeric, has dependency to lat: optional",
"monetize": "integer covering 0 and 1: 1 showing that i want earn money from my wall: optional",
"name": "string between 1 and 50 characters: wall name",
"type": "integer: wall type",
"user_name": "string between 4 to 40 characters: wall username: optional",
"wall_id": "integer: wall id: optional"
- Errors
"description": [
"max length is 128": "maximum length of description is 128"
"duplicate_items": "insert a feature more than once",
"enter_at_least_one_entry": "enter at least one entry",
"features": [
"empty values not allowed": "features cannot be empty"
"invalid_categories": "category id was in excludee_categories or invalid categories was selected",
"invalid_name": "invalid name chosen for wall name",
"must_login": "user must be login",
"name": [
"max length is 50": "maximum length of name is 50"
"permission_denied": "user must be admin of the wall for modifying",
"user_is_not_member": "user must be a member of the wall for modifying",
"user_name": [
"min length is 4": "minimum length of username is 4"
"max length is 40": "maximum length of username is 40"
"user_name_is_duplicate": "the username is already taken",
"walls_have_exceeded_their_max_numbers": "user has exceeded his/her limit for creating a new wall",
"wrong_features": "invalid features or exceeded number of features"
- Extra Description
Create, edit or modify wall. earning money is on by default on public walls with advertisement. exclude_categories is used for types of messages that admin does not want to be shown on his/her wall
- Sample
- Url:
- Output:
"status": "success",
"time": 1547968917.4818583,
"wall_id": -1000918