- Inputs
"bot_callback": "integer: for bot callback set 1 else set 0: optional",
"caption": "string: has dependency to media: optional",
"chat_id": "string: chat id excludes phone_number, user_name, user_id",
"is_audio_message": "integer: has dependency to media: optional",
"is_comment": "integer: excludes parent_message, phone_number, user_name, user_id: optional",
"local_id": "string: Maximum length is 32: optional",
"media": "string: excludes text, sticker: optional",
"parent_message": "integer: excludes is_comment: optional",
"phone_number": "phone number: example: +18885559977, excludes chat_id, user_name, user_id",
"reply_markup": "string : optional",
"sticker": "integer: excludes media, is_comment, text: optional",
"text": "string: accepted length is 1 to 16384: excludes media, sticker",
"user_id": "integer: user id excludes phone_number, chat_id, user_name",
"user_name": "string: between 4 to 40 characters: excludes phone_number, chat_id, user_id"
- Errors
"cant_receive_message_via_uid": "tries to send someone by user_id who's disabled `receiving via user_id",
"comment_not_allowed": "messages in groups cannot have comments",
"invalid_bot_callback": "When bot_callback presented with a destination chat which is not with a bot",
"invalid_file_id": "file_id is wrong",
"invalid_file_type": "declared message type and media are not the same",
"invalid_parent_message": "parent_message is wrong",
"invalid_sticker_id": "sticker id is wrong",
"must_login": "user must be login",
"only_audio_in_comment_allowed": "only audio sticker can be in comment",
"user_blocked": "user is blocked by the receiver",
"user_does_not_have_permisson": "only admins can send message to blogs",
"user_is_not_in_the_chat": "only followers can send message to groups",
"user_not_found": "phone_number/user_name/user_id is wrong",
"wrong_chat_id": "chat_id is wrong"
- Extra Description
Send every possible type of message to other users or groups
- Sample
- Url:
- Output:
"chat_id": "01061286a6183537978b4691036e84dde144",
"local_id": "-1000061_9736272006",
"message_id": 1547644632882432,
"send_date": 1547644632.8836224,
"status": "success",
"time": 1547644632.8845766