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  • Inputs
    "file_name": "string max length 512 characters",
    "file_type": "string: allowed: file, image, video, audio",
    "is_ad": "integer equal 1: optional",
    "is_sticker": "integer covering 0 and 1: 1 as a sticker and 0 as a non-sticker: optional",
    "signature": "string max length 64 characters: signature of file"

  • Errors
    "file_does_not_exist": "file does not exist on the server",
    "must_login": "user must be login"

  • Extra Description
Checks the existence of a file on the server

  • Sample
  • Url:
  • Output:
    "file_id": "ia00f423dfca92449fbc41e72379042c1w",
    "path": "b/f/3/c/2/b3009c7d20eabc60beed3b9481b/ia00f423dfca92449fbc41e72379042c1w.jpg",
    "server_id": 4610,
    "status": "success",
    "time": 1596265514.3290968